Traditional painting of Confucius

The Secrets To Life - The Influential Legacy of Confucius

The Secrets To Life - The Influential Legacy of Confucius

Confucius was born into nobility during the 11th Century. At a time when the Zhou Dynasty, which ruled China for roughly 800 years (1046 BC – 256 BC), had toppled, which divided the Great Nation into chaotic groupings of contending unions. War broke out, for power and control, causing immense tension thrusting China into what is now known as, "The Warring States Period".

In such a turbulent time as war, destruction and great loss is to be expected. During his childhood, Confucius would be swept with the realities of death by losing his father to an untimely passing. This forced him and his family to now live in poverty. Due to his newfound responsibility to care for his widowed mother and disabled brother, he had his status as a noble revoked. Forced to work several jobs to survive, he had the great fortune of finding a compassionate and also wealthy friend. This friend helped to pay for Confucius' education, allowing him to pursue the study of Royal Archives. During his studies, he began forming his ideologies on how to become one's best-self.

Despite the great misfortunes that Confucius faced so early on in life, he did not let his struggles hinder his ability to find himself - as we like to say here at Fizzly Dizzly, he Found His Zen, and was able to live out his best self by following these 7 secrets to life.

Confucius' 7 Secrets To Life: 

1) Respect starts from within one's self

Trust in Your Own Judgement: When you respect yourself, it naturally leads to trusting your own decisions and instincts. This trust in your abilities will help you stay true to your authentic self.

You Are Enough: True self-respect cannot be reached without acknowledging your inherent value. You are enough, just the way you are. Once you accept this fact, only then can your journey towards finding your authentic self truly begin.

2) Mistakes are only mistakes if you refuse to correct them

Embrace Mistakes as Growth Opportunities: View your mistakes as opportunities for self-growth, rather than as failures. This fosters a more positive and resilient attitude towards life's challenges.

Focus on Personal Priorities: When you recognize that your mistakes are opportunities to learn and grow, you are actively working to improve yourself, which is invaluable to helping you achieve your goals.

3) Life can be simple, stop complicating that which does not need to be difficult

Embrace Simplicity: Understand that many life situations are more straightforward than perceived. Embracing simplicity helps filter out the junk that is clogging your mind, so that you can remain focused on what matters most to you. 

4) Doing good in the world can require fortitude

Moral Courage and Boundaries: Standing up for yourself and setting boundaries for the first time is a scary leap. It can feel like you are pushing people away or wronging others, but this feeling will fade as you learn to respect yourself and adjust these boundaries. It's a process, you have to start somewhere!

Resilience in the Face of Challenges: Self-love is a journey, recognize that you may have to overcome some obstacles along the way, and plan ahead. Cultivating resilience allows you to stay committed to your cause despite difficulties.

5) The challenges we face brighten who we are

Growth Through Adversity: Life's challenges teach resilience, adaptability, and strength, shaping our character and wisdom.

Reflective Learning: Overcoming difficulties is a testament to our perseverance, each challenge contributing to our personal tapestry and self-discovery.

6) Anger is a droplet that can create vast waves of chaos

Emotional Stability: Letting your emotions get the best of you goes hand in hand with failure and the desire to quit. Anger can cloud judgement, heighten impulsive decisions, and diminish relationships of all types, including with the ones you love.

7) Prioritize knowledge to guide yourself

Embracing Continuous Learning: Actively seek knowledge in all its forms, understanding that each piece of learning enriches your perspective and sharpens your decision-making. This pursuit transforms experiences into wisdom, continually guiding your personal and professional journey.

Using Knowledge as a Compass: Leverage the knowledge you've acquired as a powerful tool to navigate life's complexities. It serves as a compass, providing clarity in decision-making and confidence in facing both new opportunities and unforeseen challenges.

Stay Tuned For More!

    We will begin exploring these concepts further in our next blog post(s) in the near future; as well as: learning how to face life head on, without the excuses of life experience, how we were raised, or financial dependence, and discussing additional Confucianism teachings like the 8 Virtue Practices, the 5 Junzi of Confucianism, and the 4 Cardinal Principles.

    Stay tuned and embrace the journey by signing up below for our newsletter and blog updates! Explore the Fizzly Dizzly Zen Zone for more mindfulness tips and blog posts.

    Additional Research & Sources:

    Asia for Educators - An initiative of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute at Columbia University

    Chinese Society in the Age of Confucius (1000-250 BC): The Archaeological Evidence by Lothar Von Falkenhausen (2006)

    The Collector - More on the life of Confucius

    National Library of Medicine - 5 Junzi Virtues

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